Blog - Page 7 בלוג - דַף 7


Zichru's goal is that upon completion of the Masechta, you'll be able to review the Masechta by memory with simanim on a weekly basis.

Save The Date: Join Us for an Informal Zichru Chizuk Get-Together

Orientation #1: Understanding How the Zichru Chazarah Schedule Works [Oraysa]

In this video, I explain how we organize review so that you'll be able to review the entire Masechta on a weekly basis with simanim,…

Zichru 1000 Blatt Test - Extended Version
Events אירועים קהילתיים

Zichru 1000 Highlights Video (Extended Version Video)

Zichru 1000 - Zichru Members Tested on 1000 Blatt!

Zichru 1000 Highlights Video - Zichru Members Tested on 1000 Blatt

Zichru 1000 - 21 Baalei Batim Being Tested on 1000 Blatt
Events אירועים קהילתיים

Zichru 1000 - The Farher - 21 Baalei Batim Being Tested on 1000 Blatt

Zichru Logo

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